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At the end of 2023 we wanted to build a better understanding of the priorities of people living…
Findings from our recent survey reveal that people living with a muscle wasting or weakening…
Today the Government unveiled plans to overhaul benefit payments which could affect more than three…
Our Chief Executive, Catherine Woodhead, has announced she will be leaving the charity this year.…
We’re delighted to announce, thanks to our partnership with LifeArc and the Lily Foundation, the…
We’ve been awarded the PIF TICK – the UK’s only assessed quality mark for print and online health…
A connection to nature I’ve always felt connected to nature. Growing up in rural Lithuania, I was…
Tips for small gardens Go big! It might feel like the opposite to what you might think, to…
RyR1-related muscle conditions The ability of a muscle to contract, allowing us to move, depends…
I’ve never been much of a gardener but when the opportunity came for us to apply to grant-making…